
10 Signs That Your Chihuahua Is Sick and How to Keep Your Chihuahua Happy and Healthy

It’s always a good idea to be knowledgeable about what your chihuahua’s health looks like and most importantly to know what it is not. When you have that knowledge, it becomes super easy to spot chihuahua sickness signs before they graduate and become life-threatening to your pet. Some complications could occur due to natural causes while others may arise when due diligence is not observed. Here are 10 common signs your chihuahua is sick and how to deal with each one of them.

10 signs of unhealthy chihuahuas

1. Body Temperatures

The normal body temperature of a healthy canine is between 101 and 102 degrees Fahrenheit. Any rise in temperatures beyond this range calls for the attention of a skilled and well-experienced vet.


2. Dry, red, or cloudy eyes


They say the eyes are the windows to the soul. When talking about health, the conditions of the eyes are signals of health.  Bright, clear, and watery eyes indicate good health in chihuahuas, but often you will find that a slight watery discharge from the eyes is quite normal as well. But some characteristics will indicate a looming problem:

  • Excessive discharge
  • Thick discharge
  • Cloudy eyes
  • Discoloration of the white part of the eye

3. The nose

For most chihuahuas, the nose keeps on varying throughout the day. In a moment it will be cool then change to warm and change from dry to moist severally. If you notice that your chihuahua’s nose is cracked or oozing some discharge, that’s a red light and you should call the vet immediately.

4. Ears 

Some chihuahuas are not commonly affected by ear issues but it’s not rare to find a few cases here and there. And they could catch a yeast infection maybe once in their lifetime. Mites are usually a concern and the chihuahua should be cleaned regularly and thoroughly to keep mites at bay. Indicators of issues with the ears include:

  • Odor
  • Excessive wax
  • Discharge
  • Itching

Veterinarian examines ear of a chihuahua

4. Breathing 

Labored and sometimes raspy breathing is a sign of some sort of health problems in your chihuahua and also bad breath could indicate some infections in the mouth. However, wheezing could appear for no reason, and most times it doesn’t present any health hazard.

5. Unexplained Weight Loss or Gain

Due to their small size, chihuahuas can easily show sudden weight loss or gain. When this occurs then it is a sign of a health issue.

It may take a few weeks to notice this issue. It can be caused by several conditions. To find the underlying, the best thing you can do is to take your dog to the vet.

6. Change in Drinking Habits

Drinking less or more water may be a sign of a lot of health problems. For instance, Drinking too much may tell you that your chihuahua has a fever, diabetes, kidney disease, or hormone issues. Also, drinking too little is a sign of not feeling well, and maybe the dog is depressed. 

Control your dog’s water intake. If your chihuahua is drinking less, you can bring them flavored water with chicken broth and add more water bowls around the house. Also, you have to make sure that the bowls are clean. If the little dog is drinking more, it is advisable to take your dog to your vet only when this issue persists.


7. Loss of Appetite

Eating habits vary from dog to dog, your chihuahua may eat more food on some days than others. Loss of appetite may indicate that your dog is suffering from some health issues. Some of them could be severe. For instance, when appetite loss is associated with bad breath, this may indicate dental disease.

You can try giving your dog his favorite food or treats. If the dog refuses to eat for more than a day the best thing you can do is to take your dog to your vet.

8. Changes in Personality

Chihuahuas are very energetic dogs, they love to play. When a chihuahua is in pain or doesn’t feel well, he/she may show some behavioral changes, like decreased activity, aggression, barking so much, sleeping for a long period inside their crate, etc.

Not all dogs show the same behaviors when they are sick. Some of them will show increased neediness and clinginess. Observe if your chihuahua growls when you get close to a particular area or organ of the body that may be the source of the pain and discomfort.

If your dog displays these behavioral changes for more than three days the best course of action is to see your licensed vet.

9. Pale Gums

To take care of your chihuahua, Your routine should include looking at their teeth and gum tissue. Normal chihuahuas have pink, moist gums. Pale gums are a very bad sign and the causes can be serious. 

When the pale gums are associated with weakness and breathing issues, this can be a medical emergency. Take your chihuahua for immediate medical attention.

Hair Loss/Itchy Skin

Alopecia, hair loss, and persistent itching are all the result of fleas, skin infections, or allergies. This situation is a source of great discomfort to your dog.

Notice that your chihuahua’s skin shows signs of flea dirt, discharge, pain, redness, or an abnormal odor. Moderate symptoms can be soothed with a bath, however, extreme signs should be seen by a veterinarian.

10. Vomiting or Diarrhea

Vomiting or diarrhea are the first signs of your chihuahua’s illness, and the issue can be moderate or life-threatening. The causes of these symptoms are viral or bacterial infections, diet changes, motion sickness, getting into the trash, or ingestion of a foreign object.

When your chihuahua has one episode of vomiting or diarrhea, you can feed him a small amount of wet food like hamburgers mixed with rice for a day and see if the symptoms are resolved.

When signs happen multiple times in 24 hours, associated with other issues such as lethargy, weakness, or lack of appetite, you have to take the dog to your vet.

Some routine care to keep your pet healthy


1. Don’t show off the pup in public before he gets all the shots

Yeah, these cute friends create some sort of excitement and you are barely holding back to show him off at the mall. But wait, it’s not safe for the pup until he gets all the shots. Besides, you will have all the time in the world to show off considering the high life expectancy of this breed.

Veterinarians recommend that there should be a two-week waiting period from the last shot. Then you can go out now because the little pup is safe and the immune system is alert.

2. Spread the meals throughout the day

Other dog breeds will comfortably survive with even a single meal per day but don’t apply this to all other breeds. Here’s the reason:

Because chihuahuas are very small, they have a very high level of metabolism. Additionally, their size allows them to eat only small amounts of food per meal.

This is the main reason why they burn up calories so fast, and to make sure the chihuahua doesn’t experience some rapid changes in blood sugar levels provide at least two meals a day. Above all, make sure they eat some healthy snacks like carrots.

3. Provide some insulation from temperature fluctuations

They don’t like rapid temperature changes, whether it’s heat or cold be prepared to protect them. After a bath, for instance, wrap the chihuahua in a towel to prevent chills. Have some paw wax to use in the winter and when summer comes; don’t walk him outside for too long without rest and some water under a shade.

4. Exercise daily

With any canine, eating a balanced diet coupled with some regular exercise is the most important aspect of maintaining optimum health. Try to spare at least 30 minutes daily and walk the dog around, it’s truly golden for a healthy happy chihuahua.

5. Home dental cleaning

A vital component of the health care routine for the chihuahua is regular dental grooming. Because of their size, the teeth are closely stacked making food particles stuck between the teeth and making them prone to oral problems this makes brushing a top priority if you are to keep plaque and tartar at bay. Once in a while, professional cleaning is recommended.


Behavior and Temperament of Chihuahua

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