
How to Prevent Gum Disease in Chihuahuas

Bleeding gums, chewing difficulties, eating issues, and bad breath are all signs of canine gum disease in chihuahuas. These Small breeds are easily prone to dental problems. Learn the symptoms and how to prevent this common dental issue in chihuahuas.

Gum disease in dogs including chihuahuas is unexpectedly common, with a high percentage of dogs having some degree of it. Unfortunately, the issue doesn’t stop with the chihuahuas’ mouths as it can increase the risk of heart disease and lead to tooth loss. In addition, It can also cause kidney, liver, and joint issues.

The root cause of Gum disease in chihuahuas is the plaque that builds up on their teeth. The plaque has bacteria that lead to infection in the gums and bone loss. Put in mind that this health issue is a serious problem, so it is very important to know the symptoms and to learn how to stop this canine dental issue from happening.


 The Symptoms of Gum Disease in Chihuahuas?

chihuahua sticking out her tongue

source: pexels

There are various symptoms of gum disease in chihuahuas including:

  • Tumefaction and redness around or near the mouth of the chihuahua.
  • Constant drooling.
  • Excessive Bleeding gum.
  • Continuous bad breath.
  • Injuries around the oral tissues are mostly caused by chewing objects.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Sudden misaligned teeth
  • Moving teeth

The above symptoms are signals of gum diseases in chihuahuas. This is why it is very important to do regular canine dental checkups at least once a month to see if there is an appearance of new problems.

To do this is simple, you can lift up the lip and look for signs using a penlight. These signs may include tooth discoloration, inflamed gums, dark areas on the gums, and tartar on the gum line.

How to Prevent Canine Gum Disease in chihuahua?

happy chihuahua

source: pixels

Brushing your chihuahua’s teeth is crucial as this good habit may prolong the lifespan of your tiny dog. To keep your chihuahua’s teeth in a perfect state you should brush them once a day. However, if your schedule doesn’t help you to do it, do it at least once a week. Numerous dogs refuse to let their parents brush their teeth. If this is your case you can offer a reward to your chihuahua after brushing such as a dog dental treat.

The most important steps to prevent Gum disease in chihuahuas are regular, constant tooth brushing, and veterinary dental checkups. However, there are other useful tips that can help reduce the risk of this serious health issue.

  • Start brushing your chihuahua puppy’s teeth at a very young age using a soft toothbrush, to help your dog get familiar with his teeth cleaned, and to build a good habit.
  • Dry kibble may help in reducing plaque buildup in chihuahuas. This is why you have to choose a high-quality dry kibble.
  • You can also buy dental chews and bones that are created for chihuahuas’ teeth cleaning. Whether you can buy them online or at pet stores that are located near you. The advantage of these items is that chihuahuas love them, and they do an incredible job of reducing tartar.
  • Chew toys are good too if your chihuahua loves chewing and playing with toys.
  • Avoid tap water, instead, you should provide your dog with plenty of clean water as it will help wash away the bacteria.
  • There are various oral supplements that can be useful for your chihuahua’s dental health.

Even with regular brushing, It is advisable to take your tiny chihuahua to do a professional cleaning at least on a semestrial basis by a veterinarian to take off tartar. This routine must be a part of your chihuahua’s health maintenance.

The four principal stages of canine periodontal disease

the four stages of canine periodontal disease


The treatment that a veterinarian will perform depends on the stage of the disease.


In this stage, the veterinarian can notice Mild gingivitis( redness of the gums), But there are no periodontal pockets(space around the teeth). Between the tooth and the gum. In this case, cleaning above and below the gum line is enough treatment.

stage 2 

In this stage, there will be periodontal pockets between the gum and tooth. But, the bone is still in a good state. Also, you can notice that the gums are inflamed, and bad breath (Halitosis). In this case, your veterinarian will clean, and rinse the gum tissue and tooth. Then he/she will use a gel to help reconnect the gum to the tooth root.

Stage 3:

Periodontal pockets around the teeth are deep (more than 4 millimeters). This means that there is bone loss. In addition, you can notice bleeding of the gums, bad breath, tartar, and infection. In this case, the veterinarian will open a gum flap and clean out the affected tissue around the tooth root and bone. Then, he or she may perform special therapies to grow new bone and tissue.

Stage 4:

This is a very severe case, because bacteria may spread throughout organs of the body such as kidneys, heart, and liver via the bloodstream as mentioned earlier. The only solution, in this case, is tooth extraction.

Final Thought

Gum disease is a dangerous issue that can hurt your dog’s health in so many ways. Because bacteria can reach your chihuahua’s heart via blood, it can lead to severe heart attack and even death. Your daily habits should include cleaning your chihuahua’s teeth to prevent the development of tartar in your chihuahua’s gum.

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