
Chihuahua Tear Stains- Causes, And Treatment

It’s likely that you have seen your Chihuahua’s eyes grow watery and leave crimson smears on their fur at some point. This is actually called chihuahua tear stains and it is typical in this breed, so there’s no need to be concerned!

However, why do these noticeable tearspots appear and how can they be removed? We’ll examine the potential causes of watery eyes in your Chihuahua in this blog post, as well as the several approaches you can take to lessen or avoid them.

The Causes Of Tear Stains In Chihuahuas

What causes Chihuahua’s eyes to tear up? There are really a number of possible causes for your Chihuahua’s moist eyes.


Because of the nature of eye diseases, each of these issues should be regarded equally critical even though their severity can vary greatly:

Below are some underlying causes of tear stains in chihuahuas:

1. Reflex Tearing

This is an entirely normal reaction to outside stimuli. Reflex tears are typically brought on by chilly weather or little particles of dirt that your Chihuahua may have gotten into its eyes and need to be cleaned out.

2. Cherry Eye

The Chihuahua cherry eye is distinguished by a noticeable bubble-like appearance at the corner of the eyes.

Owners of Chihuahuas who are not familiar with this ailment can believe that it is caused by a significant enlargement of the tear duct, but in reality, it is a prolapse of the nictitans.

When the Chihuahua’s third eyelid gets really irritated, this prolapse happens. The extreme swelling brought on by this inflammation gives the appearance of being inflated.

3. Stress

It’s quite conceivable that your Chihuahua is getting overwhelmed if you notice tears welling up in their eyes during stressful situations. Since dogs are not able to produce actual tears, these are not tears of sadness or stress; rather, they are the result of a dog becoming overly absorbed in its surroundings, which makes it more inclined to observe everything in its immediate vicinity.

Because they are such small dogs, Chihuahuas are more susceptible than other breeds to being overwhelmed by bustling human situations. As a result, their wide eyes may strain from attempting to see everything at once.

4. Tap water

Tap water contains very high levels of contaminants, fluorides, toxins, and even cancer-causing agents. All these chemicals can cause tear staining.

5. Conjunctivitis

This condition is one of the most common causes of tear stains in chihuahuas, called also the pink eye. It is distinguished by the inflammation of the membrane of the eyeball and inner eyelid. Moreover, there are some symptoms of Conjunctivitis such as watery eyes, inflammation, eye redness, mucus discharge, and squinting. The causes of this condition are allergies, bacterial infections, hereditary conditions, or irritations. Fortunately, there are some available treatments for this condition such as hydrocortisone drops, anti-inflammatory medication for allergies, antiviral medication for viral infection, and antibiotics for bacterial infection.

6. Plastic Bowls

Some chihuahuas are allergic to plastic. However, plastic bowls are not only the cause of tear staining, but they can also lead to the loss of pigmentation on the nose. The best bowls for chihuahuas are shallow, raised stainless steel, or floor level, ceramic can also be another option.

7. Allergies

In addition, there are other stimuli that can be managed or avoided, including grass pollen-induced hay fever, or possibly an alien substance like a spray or gas in the atmosphere that can irritate the respiratory system.

Chihuahua allergies are a common health problem that may be readily addressed with antihistamines. With the correct care, you can prevent your Chihuahua from experiencing the agony and annoyance of having to deal with watery, sometimes itchy, eyes all the time.

8. Teething

As we know teething puppies produce excessive tears, and as a consequence, it leads to stains. But, teething will end when the adult teeth have emerged. However, it is very important to treat the issue since it can lead to yeast infection.

Puppy Dog biting on fingers

9. Entropion

Entropion is a condition where a chihuahua’s eyelid is inverted and rolls inward. This results in direct contact of the fur on the dog’s eyelid with the eyeball. Leading to irritation and overproduction of tears. This condition is affected by age and commonly affects both eyelids. Also, it can impact either a portion of the chihuahua’s eyelid or the complete eyelid.

10. Poor Diet

Feeding your chihuahua low-quality foods which consist mostly of heavily processed” filler” ingredients may result in tear stains. Because these ingredients can cause excess porphyrin production. In fact, when there is an excess of porphyrins in tears, chihuahua will suffer from tear stains in an easy way.

11. Irritants

Long-coat chihuahuas can develop tear stains easily due to their long coat. When the fur becomes too long, there is the possibility of friction between the long fur and the eyeball, resulting in excess tear production. However, when your chihuahua receives enough care on a regular basis, this may prevent the overgrown fur and the other issues it can cause. Keep in mind that chihuahuas regardless of their type are susceptible to eye irritation from foreign objects including anything that can irritate the eyes. For example, smoke can cause tearing.

12. Ear or nasal infections

Some infections in the ears or sinuses can trigger excessive tear flow, rudding the head against the wall, and trying to paw the ears are signs of ear infection.

Veterinarian examines ear of a chihuahua with otoscope

13. Tear duct problems

Ducts that are located in the corner of a chihuahua’s eyes are the ducts through which old tears are drained. So, when these ducts are too small or blocked by some foreign elements such as grass particles, dust, or other debris, tears will gather in the chihuahua’s eye socket before they flow out. If you think that both ducts or one of your dogs are blocked, you should seek your vet’s care. 

14. Glaucoma

It can be glaucoma if your Chihuahua has frequent eye tears and appears cloudy. Chihuahua glaucoma should be treated as soon as it is discovered because untreated glaucoma can result in eye blindness.

Primary and secondary glaucoma are the two forms of glaucoma that affect Chihuahuas. Whereas secondary glaucoma includes recognized predisposing factors that contribute to the onset of the disorder, primary glaucoma is an isolated idiopathic disease.


15. Congenital Defects

Congenital Defects: Some chihuahua puppies are born without tear duct opening, this congenital defect is called Imperforate lacrimal puncta. The only available option for this condition is surgery. In addition, some chihuahuas’ tear ducts are narrow, consequently, foreign elements like debris can block them.

What About Yeast Infection?

Yeast infection is not the cause of tear stains. However, this later can develop them. Yeast can start to grow whenever you have a wet area. Staining issues and yeast infections can be remedied from home, but sometimes we will need veterinary treatment.

How to fix and treat tear stains on your chihuahua?

Possible health conditions that we must control:

If the root cause has not been resolved. Then, you will find yourself in a vicious circle, because stains come back as fast as you can remove them. For this reason, you have to schedule an appointment with your veterinarian for a professional diagnosis.

How to clean Chihuahua tear stains

Tear-stained fur, crusty fur, gumming in the corners of the eyes, and general irritation might result from your Chihuahua’s chronic eye-watering.

Furthermore, cleaning the affected area on a regular basis to lessen discomfort is the ideal technique to assist your Chihuahua with teary eyes. To be sure you’re cleaning them correctly, consider the following advice:

1. Buy The Appropriate Cleaning Solution

A canine-specific eyewash that is intended to lessen tear stains and comfort the eye region is available for purchase. As an alternative, bring the kettle to a boil and let the water cool completely before proceeding. Use this water as soon as it cools down, ideally within 30 minutes.

2. Use A Soft Cleaning Tool

This refers to the usage of Q-tips, which might stab your Chihuahua in the eye, and the avoidance of cloths, which can be highly abrasive or contaminated. It is advisable to continue using a traditional cotton bud.

3. Wipe Gently

It’s crucial that you approach them carefully, slowly, and gently when wiping their eye. It is not advisable to poke your Chihuahua in the eye.

After soaking the cotton bud in your cleaning solution, use gentle strokes to gently clean the area surrounding the eye.

4. Repeat

Not all of the stainings may be visible at first, but don’t worry. If necessary, just carry out the procedure a few more times during the day.

5. Observe Your Chihuahua’s Body Language

It is possible that your Chihuahua may experience tension or discomfort during eye cleaning. Because of this, it’s critical that you observe their body language carefully and move on if it seems like they want you to stop.

You can always revisit it at a later time.

Some Tips You Can Try at Home To Change What You Can:

  • Replace all plastic water and food bowls you have at home with stainless steel bowls. It is OK to use ceramic, but, remember that they are not unbreakable as stainless steel is.
  • Clean and dry your Chihuahua’s stained fur, as it keeps his coat looking clean, and reduces the risk of a yeast infection.
  • Try to avoid giving your chihuahua tap water.
  • Avoid smoking in the house.


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