
How To Stop A Chihuahua From Marking

Owners may find it extremely annoying when their Chihuahua begins marking in the house. There will be pee stains all over the place, the house will start to smell like urine, and you could start to question if housebreaking is something you should do again or how to stop a chihuahua from marking.

Marking Vs Accidents

There are two key differences between marking and mishaps brought on by ignorance of housebreaking regulations. It is crucial to distinguish between the two, as your approach to handling this may vary depending on which one it is.

 1. Amount of urine

Usually, when marking, a dog will spray some pee, but not empty their bladder.


The Chihuahua can travel around, spitting out little volumes of urine along the way, which does add up to a lot. But the majority of marking dogs will retain some urine so they can either mark in a different location or return to the same site shortly after.

2. Urine Only

A Chihuahua’s tendency to mark is caused by a behavioral problem that makes him want to mark his territory. Therefore, as long as you have taught him, there is typically a comprehension of the regulations about housebreaking.

Bowel movements are usually done outside, as long as you are taking him outside, during marking. If your Chihuahua is urinating and defecating indoors, it is usually a potty training issue rather than a marking issue.

Signs of Marking

  • Dogs mark on both sexes, although males do it more frequently than females. Sometimes a female dog will lift her leg to mark, much like a male dog would.
  • Adult Chihuahuas between the ages of 1 and 7 are most likely to exhibit marking.

Since they do not yet have strong desires to stake out territory or compete for supremacy in the home hierarchy, most young puppies do not mark, and most senior Chihuahuas, ages 8 and above, are so well-adjusted to their homes that marking is not a problem.

  • Although it is uncommon, dogs who have had their spayed or neutered may mark.

After being repaired, only approximately 20% of dogs will usually still mark. It is important to rule out incontinence in spayed female dogs, as this is a side-effect that can occur in around 20% of cases.

  • There could be one marking in a single room or several around the property. A Chihuahua could discover a new location if you barricade off one. If a dog is marking multiple locations, these could be on specific objects or next to doorways.
  • Marked objects are vertical. Urine will usually, but not always, spray an object instead of a dog leaving a puddle on the floor. This could be the legs of tables, the sides of couches or seats, or standing lamps.

Pooping directly on an owner’s possessions is a rare occurrence that we will discuss under ‘Improper understanding of hierarchy’.

Causes For A Chihuahua To Mark

Recognizing the cause of a marking issue will be a step toward solving it. One or more of the following reasons could be the cause of a Chihuahua’s behavior:

in reaction to other canines or creatures

This can apply to dogs that live with you or to dogs that are only around the house (neighbor dogs, dogs that are strolling by, etc.). Some Chihuahuas may also react in this way to outside wildlife, including deer, squirrels, wild hares, and other creatures that could be in or around the yard.

incorrect comprehension of the hierarchy

The fact that Chihuahuas are such small dogs and their owners never consider the possibility that this could occur makes this explanation frequently disregarded.

All canines, nevertheless, view the world through the lens of canine norms. According to dog rules, there is always an Alpha (the leader, who should be the human owner) and a Beta (the other household members who follow the Alpha) in every den (house), which is home to the pack consisting of all the family members as well as any additional pets.

If a Chihuahua believes he is the leader or is vying for that role, he may develop a bad marking habit to claim territory.

When a dog urinates on his owner’s bed, shoes, or other items that appear to be a personal slight, this is a frequently misinterpreted part of the marking. An owner can believe that their dog is intentionally being mean or that it is extremely naughty. Nevertheless, this is frequently the result of a dog—which is problematic—thinking he is the leader and marking his owner’s territory to deter potential intruders. In essence, the pee is sending out the message, “Avoid my human!”


Although marking can occur in any breed of dog, it is more common in Chihuahuas due to their sensitivity. This can involve events like relocating to a new home, welcoming a family member—human or pet—losing a family member or even being in a chaotic setting with plenty of foot traffic and noise.

Looking for a partner

In female dogs that are still whole, strong hormonal urges during the heat cycle may cause them to mark to try to find a male dog. Males who are not dating can also do this to let others know they are available.

Some Health Issues

If your Chihuahua is peeing all over the house, you might think that he or she is marking, but a weak bladder may be the result of some health problems. Loss of bladder control is often the only sign that owners can see.

Some health problems are, but are not limited to:

  • Dogs with diabetes may have changes in their appetite, excessive thirst, tiredness, bad breath, UTIs with the changes in urination that come with them, eye problems, skin problems, and/or vomiting.
  • If your chihuahua has kidney stones, you might have pain, fever, lethargy, vomiting, or more or less pee. There may also be blood in your urine.
  • UTI: Signs may include having to go to the bathroom a lot, having blood in your urine, dribbling urine, urinating in pain, and licking your private area.
  • Bladder stones: These are some of the signs, but you may also urinate less often or have to work to go to the bathroom.

How to Stop a Chihuahua From Marking

Please note that you will want to implement as many of these suggestions as possible if you want to maximize your chances of success and permanently end marking troubles.

How To Stop A Chihuahua From Marking

Show That You Are The Boss

It is not a bad idea to make sure your Chihuahua knows that you are in charge of the house.

This can not only stop him from marking, but it can also make him listen to directions better, walk on the leash next to you, follow through with training for barking problems, and a lot more.

Help with any concerns about hierarchy with other animals

If you own multiple dogs, one or both of them might mark to demonstrate who is the “top dog.”

Generally, this won’t occur if the animals are aware of who the top dog is. However, issues may surface if the top dog is not getting enough feedback about where he stands or if the title is up for grabs.

Making it obvious that you—the real leader—acknowledge that the dog’s place will help to resolve this. ‘Top dog’ means he should set down his bowl first, eat his treat first, put on his collar first, etc. Although it might not seem fair to give one dog preference over another, doing things this way results in significantly less stress for the dogs. They can unwind after the struggle for dominance is finished.
If your cat and Chihuahua are house pets, it can be beneficial to provide them with their own spaces. Assign each pet their own space for eating and playing.

Spay or neuter

Eighty percent of dogs who get spayed or neutered eventually stop marking.

Restrict external views

If you think that your Chihuahua is marking because it is around dogs or other creatures that can see it. You only need to close the curtains or blinds to accomplish this.

If creatures such as squirrels or other wildlife frequently visit your yard. Think about responsible, safe ways to keep them off your land.

Respond to marking attempts 

The playpen was mentioned in our previous point. If your Chihuahua is not in his pen, you can keep him close to you and be ready to respond to any marking attempts.

Make a loud noise to stop your Chihuahua from spraying whenever it makes a motion. If you give a loud clap, certain Chihuahuas will respond. If they don’t, a behavior-interrupter gadget such as The Company of Animals Pet Corrector often does the trick.

Bring your dog outdoors to his designated toilet place as soon as the noise gets him to stop (even if you have to carry him there). Reward your Chi with a small training goodie and lots of praise once they’ve finished urinating outside.

Limit your chihuahua’s capacity to mark

1. If your Chihuahua likes to spray in particular areas and you can restrict access to specific rooms or regions, do so. Do remember, though, that your dog may select other places.

2. When you are unable to provide your puppy or dog with constant supervision, you should keep him in a special area. For other issues like separation anxiety and housebreaking, an indoor playpen is ideal and comes highly recommended.

3. Belly bands can be quite effective for males. Wegreeco’s Male Dog Adjustable Wraps in Size Extra Little are a wonderful option because this breed is very small.

Not only do these absorb any urine that the dog may urinate on, but they also prevent marking because most dogs don’t like the sensation of a wet band. To escape the consequences, they can stop acting in that way.

Clean urine-marked areas properly

While it would seem reasonable to wipe up places where a dog sprayed his pee with hot water and soap or an all-purpose spray, doing so will not be helpful at all.

Strong enzymes found in urine are not removed by dish soap or other cleaning products. You won’t notice the lingering stench that results from these enzymes being left behind, but your Chihuahua will. It is similar to having a large sign that states, “This is the restroom; please use it again.”

Therefore, you should use a cleanser made specifically to get rid of urine-derived enzymes to get rid of any stains, old or new.

For this, Sunny & Honey’s Pet Stain & Odor Miracle Enzyme Cleaner is a great option because it is safe for kids and pets, and works on any type of flooring, including wood floors and carpets.

Last Word

More than any other breed, Chihuahuas do not tend to leave puddles all over the house. Human conduct, response, and handling of this matter are typically the source of the issue. Because we think it’s small, we frequently ignore this behavior until it becomes a very bothersome and unsanitary habit that eventually becomes nearly impossible to break.

Chihuahuas are intelligent, amiable, and stunning canines who most definitely did not deserve to be known for being carpet strainers. It is our responsibility as humans to set up appropriate boundaries, keep an eye on our animals, and promptly and effectively handle any problems.


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