
Male VS Female Chihuahua

You might be wondering if a male or female Chihuahua puppy is preferable. Which gender will be friendlier and more gregarious than the other? Are there pronounced variations in temperament, conduct, and training ease?

Those already owning a Chihuahua and considering adding another to the family might be curious about the distinctions between male and female Chihuahuas.

Male Chihuahua


Males are generally considerably more insecure and clinging than females. When they are with you, they will require near-constant reassurance that you still love them, and they will detest being apart from their owners. Although this can be charming at times, it also grows stale quickly.


Males sometimes reach physical maturity earlier than girls, but they take longer to reach emotional maturity. They act like puppies long after a female has calmed down.

However, males are less likely to form attachments to a single person and more inclined to embrace their complete family than females. A male Chihuahua is the best choice if you want some resemblance of a guard dog because they are more likely to defend everyone in their pack. They work best in households with just one dog, though, as they get along poorly with other dogs.


It is more difficult to train males than females. They won’t likely want to get down to business during any time they spend with you; instead, they’ll want to be petted or played with.

But that doesn’t mean you should disregard their training. They can be very aggressive and feisty if left unsupervised, so you’ll need to socialize and train them as soon as you can.

It will be challenging to keep them engaged, though, and a common mistake is attempting to entice them with food to divert their attention from the goal. That’s a problem because these puppies can become obese very quickly, and obesity is bad for them.

Using the affection they so desperately want to get them to behave is a better tactic. Instead of using punishment or other harsh methods, show them appreciation by paying them attention. Give them lots of love and attention each time they behave, and before long, they’ll be delighted to comply.

Health Issues 

Some problems are unique to males, even though they are infrequent. These problems include:

Prostate cancer

This illness is the cause of 0.67% of canine cancer cases. The dog’s lungs, lymph nodes, and/or bones may also become affected. This is less likely if a male is repaired.


This is the medical word for testicles that have not descended, which can be a serious health problem. When the chihuahua male is seven months old, both testicles should be shed. Retaining one or both of them inside the body can increase the risk of cancer, torsion, which can be lethal, and behavioral issues brought on by elevated testosterone levels.

Beyond such problems, male’s enormous egos and persistent clinginess may make them more susceptible to trauma-related problems. As said earlier, They are more likely to be overweight as a result of misinformed but loving owners, and they are more inclined to get into fights with other dogs, which rarely works out well for them.

Having your dog fixed or trained in manners will help to mitigate many of these health risks. They have a far higher chance of living to adulthood if they maintain a good diet and avoid losing battles.


You can begin breeding Chihuahuas considerably sooner if you choose to use a male. They mature sexually at the age of 7 or 8 months, but you shouldn’t begin breeding them until they are at least a year old.

Because of this, they can reach sexual maturity fully, and these canines will remain in their prime sexually from the age of one to roughly five years old. Following that, the sperm start to become weaker, decreasing the likelihood that any particular breeding cycle would produce a pregnancy.

Though they won’t have the same chances of resulting in a pregnancy as utilizing a younger stud, we can still employ older males as breeders.

Female Chihuahua


Except for their favorite human, female Chihuahuas can be somewhat aloof and less affectionate than their male counterparts. When left on their own, they are more likely to be content and don’t require as much care.

You won’t have as much “puppydom” to enjoy with girls because they mature considerably faster than their male counterparts. Nevertheless, they’ll be more composed and unlikely to act violently toward other dogs or strangers.

That doesn’t make them feel good, though. Even though they’ll probably bite back at outsiders’ attempts to show them affection, they still want to be the only dog in the house.

A female dog is perhaps the best option if you want a canine companion who can live alone and not require constant attention.


Because they are typically less distractible than their male counterparts, female Chihuahuas are easier to train. Additionally, they experience emotional maturation more quickly, which helps them concentrate on the task at hand rather than becoming sidetracked by everything that comes their way.

Training sessions with females are therefore typically shorter but more effective. You will need less effort to convince them to comply with instructions, but if you drag the session out too long, you risk losing them completely.

Similar to males, females require a great deal of socialization, and you should only use positive reinforcement when training them.

Chihuahua puppy does Pipi in the grass.

Health Issues 

Health Problems that may affect a chihuahua female are:

Heat-related discharge

Even though toy breeds don’t produce as much discharge as some larger breeds, they frequently do produce enough to warrant the usage of a canine diaper. There will be slight streaks even if you do not see anything, and these will accumulate with time.

If the bedding hasn’t been cleaned, dark stains will start to show. When she goes out of season, she should have a bath and you should keep her clean with a canine diaper.

Shedding level

The breed as a whole is thought to shed somewhat. If they are not spayed, female Chihuahuas will shed more than males. The main cause of Shedding is the heat cycle which we also call “blowing the coat.” In addition, a female will shed heavily after giving birth to a litter.

Mammary cancer

Of all female dogs who are not spayed, 26 percent will experience a mammary tumor.

Ovarian cysts and tumors

Although it is uncommon, females are prone to this, and the chance rises if she is not fixed.


A female Chihuahua can be surprisingly difficult to breed. Breeding them can be costly and challenging because of their small bodies and enormous heads, which sometimes necessitate C-sections.

Although many experts advise waiting until the females are three years old, you can begin breeding them at around two years old. Because you want their hips and pelvic floor to be strong enough to withstand the strain of childbirth, you want them to reach full physical maturity, which takes longer for girls than for males.

When breeding Chihuahuas, you normally prefer the male to be smaller than the female since this lessens the possibility that you will have babies that are hard for the mother to deliver.

Additionally, you ought to retire them around six or so. Stretching it farther can cause severe strain on their hips and back, raising their likelihood of developing a variety of health problems in later life.

What Gender Is The Right Choice For Me chihuahua male vs female?

While Choosing a puppy

Keep in mind the factors mentioned above if you are considering adding a Chihuahua to your home and are unsure whether it is better to get a male or female Chihuahua. You avoid most issues by neutering or spaying the puppy.

It’s also important to remember that certain breeders may have second thoughts depending on the quantity of puppies they are currently offering. Watch out for situations where a breeder with five girls and one male can try to convince you to choose a female by highlighting all of the advantages that females have over males. However, the same breeder can start praising the qualities of males when they have five males and one female.

The subject of male vs female is deeply personal. You should consider the kind of pet you would like to have and the gender of your ideal best friend.

As a second dog

Choosing a gender for a dog can be a bit complicated if you currently own one and want to expand your family. Arguments can be made in favor of either option—opposite gender or same gender.

A male and female may compete for dominance, as well as two males and two females who may or may not get along. The more senior and well-established dog will typically be the ‘leader’ of the pack.

The Chihuahua breed can even form close friendships with larger breeds and generally gets along well with other dogs living in the same home.

Due to their experience, some owners find it simpler to stick with the same gender. Owners of female Chihuahuas, for instance, could be familiar with the heat cycle and how to take care of a female during her recuperation after spaying. Male Chihuahua owners may already be aware of the behavior of an intact male and what to anticipate following neutering.
One thing to consider is how you have behaved in the past and present toward dogs of the same and opposite sexes. If a Chihuahua has demonstrated intolerance towards a particular gender, this typically does not alter and may even get worse if the dog is pushed into an uncomfortable circumstance.

Pay attention to how your puppy or dog behaves with other dogs when you take him to the park or other situations where canines are present. Don’t be afraid to ask if you are unsure of the gender of another dog! Tell the owner why you are requesting this information.

Last Word

Whichever Chihuahua is better—a male or a female—the answer is that they are both excellent! While every gender has its problems, spaying or neutering the puppy will prevent the majority of them.

Behavior and temperament are significantly more influenced by your dog’s upbringing, education, and level of care than by gender.


Behavior and Temperament of Chihuahua

Do Chihuahuas Make Good Dogs?

chihuahua Spaying/Neutering




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