
Scores under $28: The ChomChom pet hair remover is genuinely effective for Your Chihuahua.

The never-ending conflict between dog and cat lovers over hair and fur may maybe the one thing that unites them. The carpets, rugs, and furniture in your house are likely covered in hair, regardless of the animal companion that has been roaming around. The type of dog or cat you have will determine how difficult it is to get rid of this hair. To find out if it truly works, we tried the ChomChom, the top-selling dog hair removal product on Amazon.

How did I discover ChomChom?

It’s safe to say that my house is overrun with dog hair because I have two long-haired chihuahuas. Their hardwood flooring means that vacuuming their hair on the floor has never been a huge problem. But getting hair off the couch is a different matter entirely. With her black coat, my elder Chi Melissa leaves hair all over our couch—a spot where she spends eighty percent of her life curled up for naps. Additionally, our light-tan couch needs to be cleaned every couple of days because she has black hair.

Since I’m constantly searching for new chihuahua supplies, I knew I had to give the ChomChom a try when I noticed that Underscored readers would buy it in droves whenever it went on sale. I thus placed my order and tested it.


The reason it’s an award

It’s great, I love it. I tried using sticky lint brushes and even a Dyson vacuum to clean my couch, but it was always so hard and took so long. I quickly learned that lint rollers are not a good idea because each sticky piece would fill with hair in about two seconds. It also took a lot of work and several passes with my Dyson to get all the hair out of my couch.

What shocked me about the ChomChom is how simple it is to use and how well it works (as you see in the video). Even though I’m not going to say that it got every hair in one pass, I am happy that it works better than my name-brand vacuum.

The ChomChom has a brush inside a plastic roller that grabs pet hair. When you roll it back and forth on a surface, an electrostatic charge is created that helps move and collect pet hair. The ChomChom is easy to clean; just roll it back and forth over pillows and seat cushions a few times. Although there is a lot of back and forth, especially when cleaning a big couch, your arm doesn’t get tired like it would if you were using a vacuum. This is because the ChomChom is so light.

Not only does the ChomChom pick up hair well, but it’s also very easy to clean. A little door on the back of the roller opens to show all the hair that you’ve trapped while cleaning. This makes it easy to throw all that fur right away in the trash.

I only use a ChomChom to clean my hair now that I have one. I no longer have to throw away a lot of sticky notes or move a heavy vacuum back and forth over my couch. The ChomChom is small, light, and easy to clean. It also picks up hair better than any other device I’ve tried. Anyone with a pet should get it for $28 (and sometimes even less when it’s on sale).

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