Is there a more ideal pet than a playful, loving small dog? The answer is most likely no if you own...
Category - Chihuahua Mixes
Jack Russell Chihuahua Mix- Jack Chi- A Complete Breed Guide
Combining Chihuahuas and Jack Russells results in Jack Chi, a vivacious, loyal dog with a high prey...
Pomeranian chihuahua mix-Pomchi- A Breed Complete Guide
Famous for its cuteness, the Pomchi is a small and adorably cute Pomeranian Chihuahua mix. It is...
Chihuahua Poodle mix -Chi-Poo- A Breed Complete Guide
Do you adore tiny dogs but wish your pet had a bit more personality? If so, a Chihuahua Poodle mix...
Chihuahua Corgi Mix -Chigi- A Breed Complete Guide
Chihuahua-Corgi hybrid, commonly called Chigi, is a mixed breed that has grown in popularity...
Italian Greyhound Chihuahua Mix- Italian Greyhuahua- A Breed...
There are many other mixtures of Chihuahuas, but very few can match the special characteristics of...
Labrador Chihuahua Mix -Labrahuahua- A Breed Complete Guide
The Chihuahua and Labrador are very distinct from one another. The Chihuahua is a small, active...
The Chihuahua Pug Mix -Chug- A Breed Complete Guide
Although you wouldn’t typically see pugs and Chihuahuas together, when they do, the result is...
The 48 Most Famous Chihuahua Mixes- They Will Melt Your Heart!
You’ve undoubtedly heard the joke that chihuahuas are so small that it’s impossible to...
Husky Chihuahua Mix-A Complete Guide
What can you anticipate if you’re thinking of getting a Husky-Chi or Huskyhuahua (a Husky...