Taking your chihuahua to the vet is an important part of taking care of him or her, both to avoid...
Category - chihuahua health and nutrition
Thanksgiving Foods Chihuahuas Can and Cannot Eat
If you’re honest with yourself, your chihuahua is probably your favorite part of the family...
An Owner’s Manual for Chihuahuas on Seizure Disorders
Dog seizures are perhaps among the most terrifying experiences a pet owner can have. Chihuahuas...
Dementia in Chihuahuas: Symptoms, Treatment, And More
It might surprise you that dogs can get dementia as they age because we typically only associate...
Cancer Risk in Your Chihuahua: Warning Signs
Cancer is regrettably one of the most prevalent health issues that older chihuahuas encounter...
Diabetes In Chihuahuas: Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention
Every chihuahua owner hopes they never have to deal with this, but dogs become sick and have...
Fruits and Vegetables That Will Boost Your...
Including fruit and vegetables in your chihuahua’s diet is an easy and natural method to make...
Vision Loss in Chihuahuas-Blindness, Symptoms, and How To Manage
Blindness or vision loss in chihuahuas can be a congenital disorder or a lifelong issue. Acute...
Hearing Loss In Chihuahuas-Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis...
Have you ever had a Chihuahua that was deaf? Dogs can’t talk, so it’s harder for them...
Hip Dysplasia in Chihuahuas: All-in-One Guide
The words “hip dysplasia” scare owners of Chihuahua dogs, but it can occur to dogs of...